How to Choose a Lawyer
Personal Referral
One of the best ways to find a lawyer is by asking your friends, relatives or co-workers for suggestions. This is especially useful if they have used an attorney for the same purpose you are seeking one.
Professional Referral
Depending on the complexity of your case, you may want to find an attorney who practices primarily in one field. For instance, if you are planning to organize your business affairs with your domestic partner, you might be best served by an attorney who has worked in that area. You can check with members of professional organizations or others familiar with the subject for suggestions, or call Attorney Jonathan M. Burris. Initially, he will talk to you for no charge to determine the nature of your legal services requirements and refer you to a specially qualified attorney or legal services agency if he is unable to provide the services himself.
Attorney Referral Services
A third option is to contact an Attorney Referral Service. Local services operate in Ramsey, Hennepin, and Dakota counties. The Minnesota State Bar Association has a statewide referral service for people in the remaining 84 counties of the state. Referral services also are operated by Minnesota Women Lawyers, Chrysalis Legal Assistance for Women, Resources and Counseling for the Arts, OutFront Minnesota, and others.
Minnesota Attorney Referral Services:
Foreclosure Help:
Minnesota Tenants Union: 612-874-5733
Other Resources:
OutFront Minnesota: 612-822-0127 or 800-800-0350
MSBA Attorney Referral Service: 800-292-4152
Dakota County Bar Association Referral Service: 612-431-3200
Hennepin County Bar Association Referral Service: 612-339-8777
Ramsey County Bar Association Attorney Referral Service: 651-224-1775
Chrysalis Legal Assistance for Women: 612-871-0118
Minnesota Women Lawyers Referral Service : Resources and Counseling for the Arts: 651-292-4381